Open Slide #1
Open Slide #2
Open Slide #3
This is a highly complex element. It is EXTREMELY tempermental, so use with caution.
When adding new wrapper links to your section, ALWAYS duplicate one of the existing ones. It's vital that the ID of each of these is "service-trigger" and adding a fresh wrapper link by scratch risks Breakdance removing the IDs for ALL of your wrapper links, as Breakdance only allows unique IDs.

How to use

Step 1.
Copy the section above onto your website.
Step 2.
Create a new popup, with a condition to trigger on click of the selector "#service-trigger"
Open up the popup on this website called "Popup with slider - controlled by buttons on a page".
Copy the content of the popup to your new popup on your website.
Step 3.
Go into inspect element on your browser and copy the class of the slider in the popup. For example, the class of the slider on this site is "bde-advancedslider-1171-101", yours will be something similar.
Click on one of the "wrapper links" in the section you copied over to one of your pages. Then, in the left panel, click the cog at the top -> advanced.
You'll see that there is an attribute of "data-action". Open this up, and where it says in the value "elementId":"bde-advancedslider-1171-101", replace the ID with the one from your new slider in the popup of your site. You'll need to do this for each of the "wrapper links".
Step 4.
For each of the "wrapper links", you'll need to change which slide the popup shows. To do this, still in your "data-action" value section, at the end of the string you'll see "slideIndex":X. Replace the X with the number of the slide you want to show.

Slide #1

Some text for the slider

Slide #2

Some text for the slider

Slide #3

Some text for the slider